“I appreciate how thorough Dr. Dec is. She asked me questions that I would have never thought would have anything to do with my health and after connecting some dots, she’s gotten to the root of it for me. I am beyond thankful!”
— -Corrine, 41

Concierge Program (Pre-paid)

The most economical and appropriate plan for patients dealing with highly involved, complex cases which necessitate ongoing, comprehensive care via monthly sessions and unlimited email and/or text support. The sessions consist of initial intake (90 min), first follow-up (120 min), and subsequent 5 monthly meetings (60 min) conducted via phone or video over a 7 month period. The Concierge program also includes the Genomic Analysis service (see below) curated with the Opus23 software, which helps to uncover any potential genetic health risks and provide the patient with a bio-individualized plan of prevention and therapeutics. This option allows patients to save over $800 long-term.

A La Carte Plan (Pay per visit)

This pay-as-you-go plan fits well into most patients’ lifestyles and budgets and consists of at least 2 sessions: the initial intake (90 min) and first follow-up (120 min) conducted via phone or video. The A La Carte program can be extended upon by purchasing any additional or subsequent 60 min-long virtual sessions at the frequency recommended by Dr. Dec and/or preferred by the patient.

Genomic Analysis (Opus23)

A comprehensive analysis of patient’s genetic make-up and potential health risks via the Opus23 software program. The Opus 23 software uses the patient’s advanced DNA information from 23andMe (at an additional cost) to decode any genetic discrepancies known as Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) that each person’s body may harbor. Patients with significant SNPs may benefit from specific alterations to their lifestyle, nutrition, supplements, and other therapies in an effort to decrease disease risk and optimize health. After the initial, free 20-min phone call confirming the patient’s interest and need for genomic analysis, Dr. Dec commits to spending as much time as necessary to analyze the acquired DNA data and formulate an appropriate health optimization plan. When complete, the patient is scheduled for a 2 hour follow-up session during which they are provided with a highly detailed Opus 23 report consisting of gene explanations, supplement/therapy suggestions, food recommendations and more.

For more details on each service, including pricing, please fill out our contact form by clicking below.